“I love seeing friendship as a prolonged experience. Sometimes it’s hard to see romantic relationships like that, but friendships come in this way so naturally. Friendship is a million little things piled up to create mutual trust. Nothing outweighs a beautiful friendship. So I got one for my best friend. We’ve known each other since high school, and we’ve done so many things together. Millions of little things together define our friendship. Hope our bond will always stay this way.” – Keira“Got this for my little friend, who’s 27 years younger than me. I met her through a book reading event and she’s been so sweet and kind to me. I know she might be too young to feel the same way, but it’s the little things that matter, not the larger ones. She loves the jewelry though. She never takes it off. And the adjustable design is so great!” – Celia
Friendship Isn’t A Big Thing, It’s a Million Little Things Bracelet